EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement: Agreed text as of January 2016


The text of the EU-Vietnam Agreement is made public here exclusively for information purposes. The text presented in this document is the text at the end of the negotiations conducted by the European Commission. It will be subject to legal revision in order to verify the internal consistency and to ensure that the formulations of the negotiating results are legally sound. It will thereafter be transmitted to the Council of the European Union and to the European Parliament for ratification. The text presented in this document is not binding under international law and will only become so after the completion of the ratification process.

Preamble and Chapter 1: Objectives and General Definitions

Chapter 2: National Treatment and Market Access for Goods

Annex 2-a: Annex on pharmaceutical products and medical devices
Annex 2-b: Annex on motor vehicles and motor vehicles’ parts
Annex 2-c: Reduction and/or elimination of customs duties
Annex 2-c-i: Tariff schedule of the EU
Annex 2-c-ii: Tariff schedule of Vietnam
Annex 2-d: Exports duties’ schedule of Vietnam

Chapter 3: Trade remedies

Chapter 4: Protocol concerning the definition of the concept of “originating products” and methods of administrative cooperation

Annex 4-a: List of working or processing required to be carried out on non-originating materials in order for the product manufactured to obtain originating status
Chapter 5: Customs and Trade facilitation

Chapter 6: Technical Barriers to Trade

Chapter 7: Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures

Chapter 8: Trade in Services, Investment and E-Commerce

Annex 8-a: Establishment – EU schedule of commitments
Annex 8-b: Mode 4 – EU schedule of commitments
Annex 8-c: Cross-Border Supply of Services – EU schedule of commitments
Annex 8-d: Cross border supply of services and establishment – Vietnam’s schedule of commitments
Annex 8-e: Mode 4 – Vietnam’s schedule of commitments
Chapter 9: Government procurement

Annex 9-a: Annex on transitional measures for the implementation of the government procurement chapter
Annex 9-b: Government procurement – the EU’s market access offer
Annex 9-c: Government procurement – Vietnam’s market access offer

Chapter 10: State Owned Enterprises, enterprises granted special rights or privileges and monopolies

Annex 10-a: Annex for Vietnam
Chapter 11: Competition policy

Chapter 12: Intellectual Property

Chapter 13: Dispute settlement

Annex 13-a: Annex I Rules of procedure
Annex 13-b: Annex II Code of conduct for arbitrators and mediators
Annex 13-c: Annex III Mediation mechanism
Chapter 14: Non-tariff barriers to trade and investment in renewable energy generation

Chapter 15: Trade and Sustainable Development

Chapter 16: Cooperation and Capacity building

Chapter 17: Institutional, general and final provisions

Chapter 18: Transparency
Specific measures concerning the management of preferential treatment
Protocol on mutual administrative assistance in customs matters
Budget clause on management of administrative errors

Source: European Commission