CEEC had an honor to receive gifts from Hungarian Ambassador in Vietnam


On 16 Dember 2019, CEEC had an honor to receive the encyclopedias from H.E. Mr. Csaba Ory – Ambassador of Hungary to Socialist Republic of Vietnam, named “Magyarorszag Varmegyei Es Varosai” – which is about historical counties and cities of Hungary.

We believe that with those volumes placed on our bookshelves, we remember the words of outstanding Hungarian author and thinker Laszlo Nemeth: “the library is there not for us to read, but so that we have the opportunity” to read.

Please let us know if you’re interested in those books, we’re more than happy to share the stories with you.

Once again, CEEC would like to express our sincerest thank to Embassy of Hungary in Vietnam and HE Ambassador for giving us a chance to own those amazing encyclopedias.