ADAMED Pharma S.A. in Hanoi

ADAMED is an international pharmaceutical and biotechnology company founded on the Polish science advances and a patent portfolio. For over 30 years the company has been providing patients with medicinal products of the highest quality in many therapeutic areas, such as: cardiology, psychiatry, pulmonology, gynecology and treatment of the urinary tract infections. Currently, it manufactures around 500 products offered to the patients in dozens of countries around the world. The company employs 2,200 people.

ADAMED is famous for carrying out innovative R&D works. It establishes scientific and industrial consortia with leading universities and scientific institutes in the homeland and abroad. The company’s intellectual property is protected by more than 190 patents all over the world. Moreover, since 2017 ADAMED holds the controlling shares of one of the fastest growing Vietnam’s pharmaceutical companies, Davipharm. It has been the biggest direct private Polish investment in Vietnam. Currently, ADAMED implements the EU-GMP quality standard in Davipharm plant in Binh Duong.

By establishing the local production of high-quality affordable drugs, the Company plans to expand to other markets, transforming Vietnam’s factory into a production and export hub. Adamed and Davipharm are strongly committed to support Vietnam economy, to bring the expertise, share best-practices and develop a new, high-quality standard of “made in Vietnam” medicines affordable for Vietnamese patients in the cities and rural areas. We are also a socially responsible business. We educate, inform, change attitudes and help every day. In 2019, we have implemented the ADAMED SmartUP scientific and educational program in Vietnam, aiming at improving educational standards of the chosen schools.