5th Share & (L)Earn – Staff and Communication


CEEC 5th Share & Learn took place on 18th of May, with the topics related to Staff & Communication.

The workshop started with Mr. Davis Watson presentation on “The keys to success in giving presentation”. He introduced 5 simple tips and techniques that can keep presentation memorable and audience engaged. Those were as simple as yawning few times before performance to keep stage fright in check, or more complex as changing the rhythm and volume to keep audience focused.


Secondly, Mr. Csaba Szoke talked on “Is your customer your king? How to sell to foreigners”. Based on his speech we learnt that communication style of your staff towards customers would determine how customers perceive your brand. Few key points to instigate into staff ‘minds:  listen attentively, even if the request seems to be strange to you (and cultural differences often make foreigners’ requests look strange), ask as many question as possible, to make sure you understand. Practice short dialogues or answers to frequently asked questions, in order to minimize anxiety when attending to foreigner.  Take notes – you don’t need to be a memory champ, but you will have a record what was asked or agreed. That is also useful when you want to double or even triple check what was ordered or agreed. Do send regular updates on the process to customer, especially when things do not go as planned.


The S&L event ended up with the comprehensive presentation of Mr. Friedrich Weiss “How to manage Vietnamese employees’.  General understanding of Vietnamese culture is a core element in business. Vietnamese culture is hierarchical and collective, which brings many challenges for leaders from abroad. For instance, Vietnamese will be disturbed if criticized in front of others, they would also not rush to offer their ideas and opinions in front of others, they would also not rush to offer their ideas and opinions in front of the group.


The S&L event was concluded with many questions from the audience and an interesting discussion.