6th Cosmetic Business Forum in Poland


6TH COSMETIC BUSINESS FORUM – the most important event for the cosmetic business in Poland

October 2nd, 2018, Warsaw, Poland

The Cosmetic Business Forum is a B2B Conference for product suppliers and service providers, where manufacturers meet the trade, devoted to the most important events and trends in the cosmetic business. Every year around 400 people take part in the Forum – managers of cosmetic companies and managers responsible for orders to retail chains and major distribution companies in Poland and the world. This is already the 6th edition of the Forum which has become a fixture in the business conference calendar for the cosmetic sector. The Forum participants will meet on 2 October in comfortable conditions, at the Marriott hotel, in the centre of Warsaw https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/wawpl-warsaw-marriott-hotel/

Direct contacts

The Cosmetic Business Forum has a typically business form. It combines lectures by experts, panel discussions with presentations of trends and novelties. However, above all it gives the opportunity to establish direct contacts between potential business partners, also as part of arranged individual meetings (networking).

Every year lectures in the conference part are prepared by experts in their fields representing, among others, leading international research institutes as well as consulting and advisory companies. The discussion panels include practitioners with a significant influence on the shape of the cosmetic market in Poland. The conference divided into sections such as trade and distribution, consumer and trends, new technologies gives a full picture of the cosmetic market and changes occurring on it.

An integral part of the conference are the top products fairs, where the Forum’s partners present their brands and offer addressed to the retail sector and carry out business talks with potential business partners.

A strictly defined target group

Only entrepreneurs are guests of the Forum. They are mainly producers, distributors and importers of cosmetics – all the major companies operating on the Polish market. They are entrepreneurs who are interested in obtaining all information about how to develop their business in Poland and in the world, how to win new markets, develop new areas of commerce and marketing. They are open to contacts with new distributors and retail chains, interested in developing the production of their brands, as well as on behalf of external entities. The sector partner of this year Forum is the Polish Association of Cosmetic and Detergent Industry – the largest and most important organisation associating cosmetic companies operating on the Polish market.

The second group consists of trade representatives – top level managers from all major retail chains – drugstores, pharmacies, hypermarkets and supermarkets, discount stores, interested in acquiring new brands for distribution, including exclusive lines. It is also a very interesting group from a business point of view. CEOs, commercial directors, purchasing directors and buyers who are responsible for introducing brands to the shelves of the most important drugstore chains and stores with cosmetics.

You’ll do business with us

We invite the entrepreneurs of all of the world to take part in the Cosmetic Business Forum

  • CEOs, directors and buyers from foreign retail chains: drugstore, pharmacies and all types of retailers interested in introducing Polish brands and products to their offer;
  • leading distributors involved in building a sales network for Polish brands on foreign markets in the given countries and regions;
  • producers and exporters of cosmetics who want to introduce foreign brands to the Polish market, to Polish drugstore and retail chains and/or to Polish wholesalers.

We guarantee free participation in the conference, new products fairs and evening banquet to senior managers representing foreign retail and distribution chains, decision-makers responsible for trade negotiations.  We also pay for the hotel. They can also give a free of charge, maximum 15-minute speech or interview on the stage about the specifics of cosmetics sales in a given region, about the company they represent and the offer for Polish cosmetics companies (to be agreed and confirmed with the organiser).

Foreign producers or exporters who want to acquire retail or wholesale customers for their brands in Poland may participate in the conference on a commercial basis, according to the price list and terms proposed by the conference department of Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze.

Why Poland?

Poland is the sixth cosmetic market in Europe and grows fastest on the continent. This trend will continue. The European Commission’s forecasts assume an increase in Poland’s GDP. This means that households become wealthier and spend more on consumption, including cosmetics.

According to Euromonitor data, in the coming years the Polish cosmetics market will grow at a rate of 4-5 percent annually and by 2021 its value is to be about PLN 20 billion. 

Cosmetics sector is one of the most thriving Polish industries, with almost 100 years of tradition, the most modern production plants and well-educated staff. Almost 400 entities operate in the cosmetic industry. Local businesses have retained nearly 50 percent of the market share, which is unique on a global scale.

Cosmetics are the export specialty of Poland. They are valued for their exceptional quality and innovation, they are already sold in more than 160 countries around the world.

Promotion of the Forum participants among potential business partners

Both our websites present full live coverage of the Cosmetic Business Forum https://www.wiadomoscikosmetyczne.pl/artykuly/relacja-na-zywo-v-forum-branzy-kosmetyczno-chemicz,42350

Photos from the conference are also published in the paper edition of “Wiadomości Kosmetyczne” and “Wiadomości Handlowe” and are promoted in newsletters and shared on fan pages of both titles. These activities significantly increase the range of the event and promote its participants and partners.

Photo coverage of previous editions shows perfectly the atmosphere of the Cosmetic Business Forum

edition 2016  http://forumbranzykosmetycznej.pl/poprzednie-edycje/iv-forum-branzy-kosmetycznej/fotogaleria/

edition 2017  http://forumbranzykosmetycznej.pl/poprzednie-edycje/v-forum-branzy-kosmetyczno-chemicznej-2/fotogaleria/

The Cosmetic Business Forum is organised by Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze  – a B2B communication company, operating within the international structures. It provides practical and current economic information through the published business magazines and conferences for the FMCG sector. Our both nationwide titles – “Wiadomości Handlowe” (circulation: 80 thousand) and “Wiadomości Kosmetyczne” (circulation: 20 thousand) – are leaders in their segments, and business meetings organised by our publishing house such as the Congress of FMCG Market www.kongresrynkufmcg.pl , Cosmetic Business Forum http://forumbranzykosmetycznej.pl/, Sweet & Snacks Congress, Meat Congress,  Alcohols and Beverages Congress enable to establish and maintain valuable relationships. For 12 years now, Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze have organised market research which indicate to retailers and consumers the best novelties of the food and cosmetic markets. We mean such recognised and renown projects as: “The Pearls of the FMCG Market”, “The Pearls of the Cosmetic Market”, “The Best Product – Consumer Choice” and “The Favourite Brand – Consumer Choice”. Wydawnictwo Gospodarcze is the owner of the industry website wiadomoscihandlowe.pl and www.wiadomoscikosmetyczne.pl  valued by the representatives of the FMCG sector as the source of reliable, unique information.

Don’t miss the Cosmetic Business Forum 2018!

Contact for organisational matters for managers and buyers from retail chains and distribution companies:

Anna Kaniewska, coordinator of business conferences and market research, mob. +48 519 042 665

Contact for the purchase of participation in the conference and fairs for producers and exporters:

Julia Medwid, key account manager, mob. +48 733 300 987, julia.medwid@wiadomoscihandlowe.pl