CEEC Board Members appreciation – Board Member of the week – Piotr Harasimowicz


This week, our appreciation goes to Piotr Harasimowicz, the former Executive Committee Member.

Thank you, Piotr for your contributions to the chamber and its members.

Piotr was holding a role of Executive Committee member and he was CEEC representative in EuroCham Board during 2016. Now, Piotr lives in Vietnam and holds position of Chief Representative Officer at Polish Investment and Trade Agency. With over 20 years of hands-on experience, he has developed expertise in operational efficiency and business performance in industries ranging from an automotive retail/ repair business to the international chemical, pharmaceutical and nutrition industry, and from Eastern Europe to Asia. His goal is to use his skills to improve business efficiency, while coaching and involving others to secure their acceptance and engagement for the necessary efficiency improvements. He enjoys troubleshooting and combines this with his positive attitude and organizational skills to deliver effective management change.

Piotr, CEEC is very grateful for the time and effort you put in, your dedication to the Central and Easter European Business community in Vietnam and your openness and willingness to help others. CEEC is wishing you a lot of success and happiness in your current and future ventures.