CEEC monthly infographic: import and export from CEE countries to Vietnam


Data source: https://trade.ec.europa.eu/

Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries have a negative trade balance with Vietnam. The value of export of twelve CEE countries which belongs to EU, is 1.1 billion Euro. While the value of import from Vietnam to CEE counties is over 4 times bigger – 4.9 billion Euro. The trade between Vietnam and CEE countries is relatively small comparing to some other EU countries, like France, Italy, Netherlands or Germany. The value of export of Netherlands is nearly the same (912m euro) as of the whole CEE region. Germany exports’ value (3.5bn Euro) is more than three times higher. Value of import from Vietnam to Netherlands is similar to the one from all CEE countries and the value of import to France is slightly smaller while to Italy is half of what is imported to CEE region from Vietnam.

Over 2 thousand CEE companies, which are mainly small and medium enterprises, exporting to Vietnam. Nearly the same number of French companies as from the whole CEE region, exporting to Vietnam.