CEEC Monthly Infographic No.12 – Report on Foreign Direct Investment in the First 8 Months of 2021


As of August 20th, 2021, the total newly registered, adjusted, and paid-in capital for share purchase by foreign investors reached USD 19.12 billion, equal to 97.9% compared to the same period last year. The capital generated by FDI projects was estimated at USD 11.58 billion, up by 2% over the same period last year.

With the newly registered capital continued to rise, the adjusted capital also slightly increased after decreasing for 7 months. Foreign investors’ paid-in capital continued to fall but the reduction was gradually improved.

  • Newly registered capital: There were 1,135 new projects granted with investment registration certificates (a year-on-year decrease of 36.8%). Total registered capital reached about USD 11.33 billion (a year-on-year increase of 16.3%).
  • Adjusted capital: There were 639 projects registered for adjustment of investment capital (a year-on-year decrease of 11%). Total additional registered capital reached nearly USD 5 billion (a year-on-year increase of 2.3%).
  • Paid-in capital for share purchase: There was 2,720 paid-in capital for share purchase by foreign investors (a year-on-year decline of 43.4%). The total value of paid-in capital was worth USD 2.81 billion (a year-on-year decline of 43.4%).

Foreign investors had invested in 18 sectors, of which processing and manufacturing led with total investment capital of over USD 9.3 billion, accounting for 48.4% of total registered investment capital. Electricity production and distribution ranked second with investment capital of about USD 5.5 billion, accounting for 28.7% of total registered investment capital. It was followed by the real estate business, wholesale and retail with the total registered capital of about USD 1.6 billion and USD 734 million, respectively. The rest were other sectors.

Source: Ministry of Planning and Investment