CEEC – SBA: MoU Signing Ceremony


Joint Interests & Joint Efforts


HCMC 2.2. 2016
The representatives of the Swiss Business Association (SBA) and the Central & Eastern European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (CEEC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding to enhance their collaboration. “Both associations already had a good cooperation and exchange with each other. Finally this can be formalised and brought to the next level”, was commented by the Swiss Consul General Othmar Hardegger. In a straight forward bullet point list the cooperation on events, dissemination and communication have been outlined.

IMG_2235Consequently members of both associations can look forward to joining business relevant events in Hanoi and HCMC, get joint input from both associations’ experts, explore the monthly Swiss Stamm or CEEC networking and other social events. Who never joined the Wilhelm Tell games in Saigon, will be surprised how family and kids friendly business association events can be conducted in Vietnam. “As small business associations, CEEC and SBA are natural allies who can jointly strive to have practical impact for the benefit of both of our members”, assured SBA’s President Alexander Gruber while CEEC Vice Chairwoman Magdalena Krakowiak added: “Not only that both follow joint interests and put forward joint efforts, the SBA and CEEC are both comprised of very multi-facetted business communities, with a whole set of business needs and a long standing tradition of established contacts in Vietnam; thus SBA and CEEC naturally complement each other.” For the upcoming events right after Tet, we will keep you informed at www.ceecvn.org