CEEC Share and (L) Earn: Practical Employee Retention Plans in Vietnam


Share and Learn 2016 HCMCCEEC had the honour to welcome the well reknown HR expert and Vice President of the VN HR, Ms. Le Kim Anh, as guest speaker at our first Share & (L)earn event in 2016.

As usual with this format of event, where only a small group of CEEC members and friends got the opportunity of first hand information, specific answers and discussion on detailed points regarding the big question of How to prevent your staff from quitting. Starting on the basic point for any HR policy of identifying your „good employees“. A further step is to understand the advantages and restrictions of split bonus payments or other incentives, the significance and dangers of Tet holidays for your HR policy or the typical hiring periods in Vietnam, but also the legal background of granting any „retention bonus“ and how to be prepared on the „fluctuation months“, respectively understand the motivational needs of employees in the short and long run to ensure a prosperous business.

Consequently some CEEC members can now begin the Tet holidays well prepared and have a clear background hence a direct contact to any HR related questions when it comes to How to motivate and remunerate your staff. The next Share & (L)earn event will take place in the weeks after CEEC’s AGM on fifth of March and will be addressing HEALTH questions in Vietnam.

Download Presentation: HERE