CEEC Team Building 2018 at the Anam, Nha Trang


On Saturday, 14th April 2018 CEEC, team gathered together for its annual team building. This time, thanks to kindness of our member, The Anam Resort, we could spend a fruitful working sessions surrounded by beauty of the place – nature, blue sky and a fresh air.

Starting with the regular board meeting, focused on a chamber’ daily operations, members and external relations, the currant topics were deliberated.

Following a long discussion, time for talks within the task force groups came. The new board members had an opportunity to find out more on the relevant topics. The evening ended up with the team building game “A true and a lie’’, thanks to which we could get to know each other better.

Throughout this annual activity, we had chance to get-together, learn more about each other and find out solutions to improve the Chamber, towards the purpose bringing the best benefit to assist our members. We do look forward to next meet-up time.

You can find more picture on our Facebook Page.