Courtesy meeting with Polish Embassy and Meeting with Polish Delegation from The Wielkopolska Region


On 24 April 2018, CEEC received the honor and had the Courtesy meeting with H.E. Mr. Szymon Wudarski – Chargé d’affaires a.i. of Polish Embassy to the Social Republic of Vietnam.

On this occasion, the new elected Executive Committee Members of CEEC extended our sincerest greetings to the Embassy of Poland in Vietnam. After updating the activities in 2017, our Vice Chairman, Dr. Gellert Horvath took the chance to say farewell to H.E. Charge d’affaires as well as Polish Embassy because his period in Vietnam will be ended by beginning of May.

In the meeting, HE Szymon also shared with us the information regarding Polish Delegation from The Wielkopolska Region. CEEC took action and met them on Friday, 11 May 2018. The delegation was represented by members of Marshal Office of Wielkopolska Region, Poznan University of Technology, Regional Chamber of Commerce, Regional Development Found and businesses. CEEC Vice-Chairwoman, Mrs. Magdalena Krakowiak, gave a short presentation on CEEC, focusing on services, especially Soft-landing program, which is directed to newcomers to assist their entry into the Vietnamese market. She also gave an overview on challenges and opportunities of doing business here. Subsequently, the representatives introduced themselves and their strategy for business which combines cooperation of local government, education and business.

CEEC understood that we’ve received great supports from Polish Embassy during the year. We do feel appreciated about that and look forward to another fruitful year in our cooperation.