Share&(L)Earn 12th – “Train and treat them well” – summary


CEEC 12th Share & Learn took place on June 6, 2019, with the topics related to the employees’ motivation: “Train and treat them well”.

At the beginning, Mrs. Magdalena Krakowiak, CEEC Vice-Chairwoman warmly welcomed all guests and presenters. After short introduction of herself, CEEC and the event, she thanked to Mr. Tamas Domokos from the Consulate General of Hungary for hosting the event.

Then she invited the speaker, Ms. Thanh Le, Director of the Adecco office in HCMC to give her presentation “Retaining Talent in Vietnam Does One Size Really Fits All?”

We could learn that the financial gratitude is not a main reason of quitting a job by employees as employers think. Only 12% of the staff is leaving the company for a better pay. The other factors related to work environment, relation with colleagues and management style of the leaders are main reasons for quitting. People leave a company because leaders don’t have a strategic plan to retain them, don’t have individual approach to each employee and don’t look deeper in their potential.

Based on the survey conducted by CEEC and AIESEC, we also found out that financial gratification is less important than the possibility of a professional development and a friendly environment for the talented youth while looking for a job.

We could also hear that benefits offered to the employees quite often don’t match their expectations and needs, based on the survey conducted by Adecco on working mums.

To keep the talented staff, a leader should identify their needs and match them with the organization. Building of a relationship focused on each employee separately, eliminating the communication barriers, empowering staff to develop networking inside the company and finally, consulting an expert, can help in retaining talented people.

The presentation was followed by a panel discussion with the participation of experts from Adecco, Ms. Thanh Le, representative of AIESEC Vietnam, Ms. Tu-Anh Luong and Chief Talent Officer of Publicis Groupe, Mr. Anthony Tran. Experts were unanimous saying that the Vietnamese labour market is candidate-driven and that employees can pick and choose where they want to work.

However, the employers should remember that Vietnam is still a developing country and some skills are not available yet as there is a lack of experience and education. Ms. Thanh highlighted that recruiting companies don’t create talents, they only match them with the clients’ expectations.

The S&L was concluded with the experts’ advises on motivating employees in the middle of their career path. Key 3 tips are: possibility to upskill through different trainings, opportunity to contribute in a company’s development and availability to provide balanced life.