Share&(L)Earn 10th – Trends and tips for business owners on digital media


CEEC 10th Share & Learn took place on 11th October, 2018, with the topic “Trends and tips for business owners on digital media”.

The workshop started with the comprehensive presentation given by Mr. Vu Nguyen, representing April Advertising. Firstly Vu gave us an overview of social media usage in Vietnam. Internet penetration reached 96% of population and Vietnam is ranked 12th internet usage globally. Facebook is the most popular social media platform with 55M users. Majority of FB users are 18-24 years old.

Later, we could learn what social media trends in Vietnam were. “We culture” of Vietnam is also reflected in social media, as opposed to “Me Culture” of Western Countries. While most of Western consumers seek to be different and standing out, Vietnamese crave for sense of belonging to larger group or collective. This manifests by Vietnamese willing to like what is already popular and widely accepted, follow Key Opinion Leaders and celebrities. People want to be like others in Vietnam, follow their style and behaviours. Vietnamese consumers respond well to all kind of activities on social media platforms, which could help to attract them to a forum or platform. Especially livestream flash sales or presentations could generate more sales than classic retail activities over a much longer time. However, livestreams must be authentic in its delivery – being natural is key. The whole presentation of April Advertising can be found here.

Afterwards, Mr. Michael B. Loung from DISTRICT2 studio, gave a presentation on branding. Brands reflect core values of products or services and as concept go beyond logo or name. Brands have personalities, emotions and values.

Social media give an opportunity to be very selective on target audience. This allows for creating brand communication which is very personal and touching emotional levels or very pragmatic and practical, depending on what target audience is.

Following a presentation of Michael, Ms. Emily from DISTRICT2 studio gave us some more tips on social media. Focus on your target audience, who they are, how they feel and what they want. E.g. instead of boosting posts on FB, it’s better to invest in targeted ads and focus on shares and comments. She also shared the best hours for posting on FB are ‘break time’ of the day: morning, lunch time and evenings.

As a final part, Mr. Shawn gave us some insights on website which are reflection of our brand identity on-line. DISTRICT2 presentation can be found here.

Overall discussion brought a lot of interesting comments from the audience.